So I’ve been away most of the summer, on the road, in a field, on the road, in a field, at home, repeat, etc. etc. and I am a big fan of podcasts, more so this year than before. I think that a lot of music has become something of an emotional trigger for me,Continue reading “CRAPBOOK: PODCASTS”

Eczema Diaries – Vegan BS and False Selling

Hello! It’s been a long time since I updated the Eczema Diaries! Apologies, festival season is now here and I have been on a rocky path with my mental health for a little while which has hindered my motivation to write. But I am trying to help myself out by focusing on small, chill projectsContinue reading “Eczema Diaries – Vegan BS and False Selling”

WRIOTE Tour and Very Loose Women Podcast

IT’S ALMOST TOUR TIME! After a few months of emails, sorting venues, making zines, launching books, Ren, Efa and I are about to embark on the WRIOTE tour around mainland Europe and the UK. I, passportless, will be joining the UK dates only. This tour is mega exciting because it will be my second spokenContinue reading “WRIOTE Tour and Very Loose Women Podcast”

Better Watch Your Mouth, Buddy.

So, my book day is here! Today is the day that my first official collection of poems Better Watch Your Mouth is released unto the world! At Burning Eye, I’ve helped to put out a lot of books and most writers seem to play it cool when releasing a book, but NOT ME, OH NO,Continue reading “Better Watch Your Mouth, Buddy.”

Spring Forward (An Original Title)

If you’re reading this from the Southern parts of the UK you’ll know about the glorious sunshine gracing our lands for the past week or so. I have certainly been enjoying it. After a cruel winter, I almost forgot how much I crave the infectious activeness brought on by good weather. My social life peakedContinue reading “Spring Forward (An Original Title)”

NaPoWriMo Day 3 – Elegy

Day 3 of NaPoWriMo – the prompt to write a elegy, focusing on a particular quality of the subject. I knew death would come up. This poem doesn’t even begin to do justice to Stacey. I have written so many lines and bits and bobs and nothing even scratches the surface about how I feel/whoContinue reading “NaPoWriMo Day 3 – Elegy”

NaPoWriMo Day 2

Recipe for Keeping Your Head Above Water (Vegan) Pre-heat your gut to gas mark 6. Dry ingredients – Add 2 cups of self control (you can use plain or self-raising) sieve 1/2 cup of consciousness, 1/4 cup of doubt. Wet ingredients – oil, almond milk and the sweat from the small of your back intoContinue reading “NaPoWriMo Day 2”

CRAPBOOK 23/03/17

  Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a show that I have become recently VERY addicted to. It might be the parodic musical numbers or the normalisation of women’s bodies, abortion and sex, it could be that it constantly acknowledges it’s own limits and heavily picks apart the issues with white feminism whilst at the same time honouringContinue reading “CRAPBOOK 23/03/17”


Happy #IWD to all the self identifying women in my life, to all those who face discrimination because of their gender, race, sexual preferences, class and abilities. To all women who suffer from bad mental health and invisible illnesses that make it hard to fight for what they want and need. To all the singleContinue reading “#IWD2017”

Eczema Diaries #18: Dermatology Appointment 1

Just wanted to update you on my trip to see the dermatologist. I trekked out into the onslaught of rain and wind and got two buses to the hospital for my ten minute appointment (specific but also reality of how hospital visits can be harrowing and long). Anyway, he had a good long look at myContinue reading “Eczema Diaries #18: Dermatology Appointment 1”