Eczema Diaries #18: Dermatology Appointment 1

Just wanted to update you on my trip to see the dermatologist. I trekked out into the onslaught of rain and wind and got two buses to the hospital for my ten minute appointment (specific but also reality of how hospital visits can be harrowing and long). Anyway, he had a good long look at myContinue reading “Eczema Diaries #18: Dermatology Appointment 1”

Eczema Diaries #14: Sulphites 

I reached breaking point. Last Monday my skin was so bad I cried in the middle of a shop (which obviously made it worse) and I felt like I would be itchy forever.Earlier that day I had made some amazing flax gingerbread muffins and a low-fat hummus and Linda McCazzle sausage sandwich, after which myContinue reading “Eczema Diaries #14: Sulphites “