Spring Forward (An Original Title)

If you’re reading this from the Southern parts of the UK you’ll know about the glorious sunshine gracing our lands for the past week or so. I have certainly been enjoying it. After a cruel winter, I almost forgot how much I crave the infectious activeness brought on by good weather. My social life peakedContinue reading “Spring Forward (An Original Title)”

5 Things to Feel Good When You Have Chronic Eczema

So suffering from skin problems is really crap. Whether it’s eczema, acne, allergies or rosacea, you never fully appreciate your general appearance until you look like a rotting tomato. For the past year I have undergone a serious change in my self-love. Mostly to self-loathing and general dislike of mirrors, then on better days, wearingContinue reading “5 Things to Feel Good When You Have Chronic Eczema”